Sunday, March 10, 2013

Simple Chicken Soup

Bureaucracy stinks. So does politics. With all the infighting, I'm surprised that anything gets done at all. And so goes the lesson I've taken from spending a week with both grassroots and congressional level labor organization and policy, spending my life e-mailing tens of people at once in order to organize a single event, and concocting a 20-page paper for environmental law. I'm surprised my brain hasn't imploded.

You know, at times like this I wish life were as simple as chicken soup. There's nothing more therapeutic than a bowl of hot broth, especially when you're so far from home. With a little time, a potpourri of veggies, chicken, pot, and stove, it's so easy.

simple chicken soup
def. a potpourri of vegetables and chicken, preferably organic.

  • breast of a small chicken (i.e. 3-lb chicken)
  • a section of ginger
  • a sweet potato
  • celery
  • carrots
  • garlic
  • white onion
  • pinch of salt
  • green onion

  • Chop all the ingredients. Bring to a boil. Simmer for 30 minutes.

    My cousin once remarked something along the lines of, "Eating healthy in college? That's almost oxymoronic!"

    Well, one of my goals is to show others that with a little bit of preparation and ingenuity, as well as motherly guidance, it is possible to put together a salubrious diet on a frugal budget with limited time and minimal effort. Hey, not everyone should have to resort to Wisey's, Five Guys, Qdoba, Mai Thai, and cafeteria food slaved over by the backs of workers under unfair subcontractors 24/7.

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